Jeg. Penger
iii. Gjenstander som er overførbare og lignende
Jeg. Penger
iii. Boligmøbler og lignende
Jeg. Hjemmebolig
iii. Hager som brukes til fritid og personlig dra nytte av frukten deres
Totalbeløpet er underlagt Khums 0kr
Khums forfaller 0kr
Det skal betales Sahm al Imam 0kr
Det skal betales Sahm al Sada 0kr
Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation can assist with the preparation of Thibeeha for distribution among the families of orphaned children in Iraq.
The cost of a Thibeeha is 3100.
Please note that if any excess remains after converting to local currency and purchasing the Thibeeha, this excess will be given to the orphaned children.
A Thibeeha is an important Islamic practice that involves the sacrifice of a livestock animal. This act is greatly recommended for Muslims, the meat is usually distributed to family, friends and those in need.
At Al-Ayn, we distribute 100% of the meat to orphaned families living in poverty in Iraq.
Since its establishment over a decade ago, Al-Ayn has enjoyed the direct support and blessings of Al-Sayyid Al-Sistani. This encompasses his authorisation to receive religious dues and donations. The official and latest Authorisation (Ijaza) from his eminence can be read in full by clicking here.