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Beløp du eier, i norske kroner ?
Beregnet på khums forfallsdato.
Tilsvarende beløp, i norske kroner, av utenlandsk valuta du eier ?
Beregnet på khums forfallsdato.
Gjeld til deg som du forventer å bli tilbakebetalt ?
Ikke ta med dette dersom det er regnskapsført i tidligere regnskapsår.
Eiendeler som ikke brukes til næring ?
Dette inkluderer bygninger, gårder, fabrikker, varer, arbeidsverktøy og alle husholdningsartikler eller eiendeler som ikke brukes til næring. Beregn disse til nåverdi dersom de er anskaffet med merinntekt som ikke har gått et år, og til kostpris dersom de er anskaffet med merinntekt som har gått et år. Er det ervervet med en kombinasjon av inntekter, så beregnes disse til nåverdi i forhold til det som er ervervet med merinntekt som ikke har gått et år, og til kostpris i forhold til det som er ervervet med merinntekt som det har gått et år på. .
Økonomiske avgifter ?
Dette inkluderer grunn av nøkkelpremie (surqufliah), grunn av bruk av jordbruksland som eies av staten, og grunn av gjenoppliving av land som er inngjerdet og klargjort for opphold. Beregn disse til nåverdi dersom de er anskaffet med merinntekt som ikke har gått et år, og til kostpris dersom de er anskaffet med merinntekt som har gått et år. Er det ervervet med en kombinasjon av inntekter, så beregnes disse til nåverdi i forhold til det som er ervervet med merinntekt som ikke har gått et år, og til kostpris i forhold til det som er ervervet med merinntekt som det har gått et år på. .
Beløp du brukte før khums forfallsdato ?
Dette er kontanter som var underlagt khums før khums forfallsdato, og som du allerede har brukt (f.eks. hvis dette er det første året du betaler khums, til tross for at du har måttet betale khums i tidligere år)
UTSKIFTBARE gjenstander du brukte før khums forfallsdato ?
Dette er UTSKIFTBARE gjenstander som var underlagt khums før khums forfallsdato, og som du allerede har brukt. Beregn disse etter nåverdi. Gjenstander er de som er fritt utskiftbare eller utskiftbare, helt eller delvis, mot en annen gjenstand av lignende art, for eksempel maskiner eller fabrikkproduserte stoffer.
Ikke-UTSKIFTBARE gjenstander du brukte før khums forfallsdato ?
Dette er ikke-UTSKIFTBARE gjenstander som var underlagt khums før khums forfallsdato, og som du allerede har brukt. Beregn disse i henhold til verdien ved brukspunktet. Ikke-UTSKIFTBARE gjenstander er unike gjenstander, for eksempel unike malerier, monumenter og unike smykker.
Beløp du allerede har betalt med hensikt fra Sahm Al-Imam ?
Beløp du betalte med Sahm Al-Imams intensjon før khums forfallsdato.
Beløp du allerede har betalt med hensikt fra Sahm Al-Sada ?
Beløp du betalte med Sahm Al-Sadas intensjon før khums forfallsdato.


Kommersiell gjeld ?
Ta med all kommersiell gjeld du fortsatt skylder andre.
Gjenstående underholdsgjeld tatt i regnskapsåret ?
Omfatter gjeld opplånt i regnskapsåret til bolig (pant), bil etc. Det vises til nærmere avgjørelser for regnskapsføring av pant.
Gjenstående underholdsgjeld tatt i tidligere regnskapsår ?
Inkluderer gjeld lånt i forrige regnskapsår til bolig (boliglån), bil osv. Eiendelen (hus, bil osv.) må fortsatt være i din besittelse. Beregn kun beløpet du ikke har trukket fra overskuddet i tidligere regnskapsår. Det vises til nærmere avgjørelser for regnskapsføring av pantelån.
Beløp du eier som allerede har blitt utsatt for khums ?
Beregnet på khums forfallsdato. Inkluderer resten av midlene som var underlagt khums i tidligere år og som du allerede har betalt khums for.
  1. 1) Forfallsdatoen for khums er den første dagen du startet jobben eller virksomheten din. Hvis du er pensjonist eller ikke er i arbeid, kan du avtale en khums forfallsdato med en representant for marja’a, eller beregne separate khums-år for hver fortjeneste du tjener, fra datoen du oppnådde den fortjenesten.2) Khum av kommersielle varer og eiendom(er) som er beregnet for handel, skal betales i samsvar med gjeldende markedsverdi, selv om de ble kjøpt med fortjeneste som har gått et år, med mindre prisen de ble kjøpt er høyere enn dagens verdi.3) Dersom beregningene viser at beløpet på forfalte khums er negativt som følge av underholdsgjeld, beregnes og ekskluderes beløpet av underholdsgjeld tilsvarende beløpet khums for resten av posten.4) Dersom underholdsgjeld er fullt nedbetalt i regnskapsåret, holdes dette beløpet utenfor overskuddet.5) Eiendeler som ikke er underlagt khums er:
    1. Eiendeler som eies gjennom arv:

    Jeg. Penger

    1. Eiendom

    iii. Gjenstander som er overførbare og lignende

    1. Eiendeler som eies av kona fra medgiften (mahr):

    Jeg. Penger

    1. Gull smykker

    iii. Boligmøbler og lignende

    1. Eiendeler brukt til personlig eller familieprovisjon fra overskuddet av det regnskapsåret:

    Jeg. Hjemmebolig

    1. Hjemmemøbler og andre husholdningsartikler

    iii. Hager som brukes til fritid og personlig dra nytte av frukten deres

    1. Personlige eller familiebiler
    2. Dyr som husholdningen nyter godt av, for eksempel en ku for melk eller en kylling for egg
    3. Gjeld andre skylder som du ikke forventer skal betales tilbake.
    4. Gjenstander kjøpt gjennom gjeld som ennå ikke er tilbakebetalt.

Totalbeløpet er underlagt Khums 0kr

Khums forfaller 0kr

Det skal betales Sahm al Imam 0kr

Det skal betales Sahm al Sada 0kr

Send meg en e-post med Khums rapport

Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO)

Privacy Policy – May 2018

Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO) Privacy Policy

At Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO), we rely on the support and generosity of individuals like yourselves to enable us to serve orphaned children and displaced families registered with Al-Ayn (Iraq). That is why we want to be completely transparent about how we process your data.

Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway(Al-Ayn NO) is registered in Norway ( 822 724 272). Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO)’s registered address is tredje etasje, Østre Aker vei 203, 0975 Oslo.

Our main website is This Privacy Policy applies to this website and includes the following information:


What data we hold about you?
Why we hold and process your data?
How we collect your data
When we will get in touch with you
How long we will keep your personal data
We will not share your data*
Third Party Use
Data Security & Your Rights
Your Communication Choices
Changes to Al-Ayn Social Care Forening (Al-Ayn NO)’s Privacy Policy
What data we hold about you?
We hold specific personal information about you. Below is a list of the types of data we currently hold:

Full name: We always ask for your full name, so we know who you are and how to talk to you.
Email Address: We need to be able to contact you for administrative purposes (See section 2 for details) by sending you an email, which is why this field is mandatory on all our web forms. If we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so, we will also email you our e-newsletter with marketing information about our projects, fundraising activities and upcoming fundraising events.
Phone number: We also request your phone number. We will only call you for administrative purposes (See section 2 for details). If we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so, we will send you occasional marketing information about our projects, fundraising activities and upcoming fundraising events by text message.
Postal address: We ask for your house number and postcode so that we hold a valid postal address for you. We need this information for the following reasons: To set up standing orders and one-off card payments, to deliver items to you (Vouchers or a Sadaqa Box for example). If we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so, we will send you occasional marketing information about our projects, fundraising activities and upcoming fundraising events by post.
Other forms of (non-sensitive) personal data we occasionally request may include additional identifiers such as Date of Birth and personal characteristics such as gender.
Why we hold and process your data?
We hold and process your personal data for a number of reasons:

To keep a record of donations you have made and our communications with you.
To keep a record of requests and actions taken by you.
To support our volunteers, whether during office volunteering, at stalls or when participating in fundraising events
To support community-based activities
To ensure we do not send unwanted information to supporters or members of the public who have informed us they do not wish to be contacted
for reasons related to administering any donations you have made,
Other administrative reasons include to confirm receipt of donations.
Or, if you have communicated with us whether by letter, email, text, social media, message board or any other means, to respond to your communications.
To analyse and improve the activities and content offered by Al-Ayn Social Care Forening (Al-Ayn NO).
We will continue to comply with legal requests where disclosure is required or permitted by law (for example to government bodies for tax purposes or law enforcement agencies for the prevention and detection of crime, subject to such bodies providing us with a relevant request in writing).

We may also use your personal information to send emails, text messages and postal mail for direct marketing purposes if we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so. This allows us to send you occasional marketing information about our projects, fundraising activities and upcoming fundraising events that we believe will be of interest to you. You can update your preferences at any time on how you would like us to contact you. See section 9 for details.

How we collect your data
Al-Ayn Social Care Forening (Al-Ayn NO) may collect your personal data in the following circumstances when you make an informed choice to ‘opt in’:

You may give us your personal data directly when you make a donation, sign up for one of our events or when you communicate with us. This could be collected electronically, via our websites, in writing, or orally.

Or, you may give us your information indirectly when you contribute to Al-Ayn Social Care Forening (Al-Ayn NO) via fundraising sites. These independent third parties will pass your data to Al-Ayn Social Care Forening (Al-Ayn NO) where you have indicated that you wish to support us and have given your consent, or it is a necessary part of completing a contract with you.

When we rely on consent to contact you, we will ensure the consent was given in an unambiguous manner that the statement or affirmative action is recorded every time as proof of consent.

When we will get in touch with you
The orphaned children are at the centre of every decision we make and you, our supporters, are crucial to the advancement of our shared cause. Our aim is to communicate with you in a way that makes you want to be more and more involved as you witness the impact of your support.

The first time you give us personal details – for example, when you sign up to our email mailing list, support our “Orphan Sponsorship” scheme, register for an event or make a donation – you may receive follow up information from us directly relevant to this activity like an acknowledgement of receipt as well as updates on how your support is making a difference.

If you have provided us with consent to use your details for marketing purposes, then we may also contact you about our projects and fundraising activities and other ways to support us.

In order to ensure that the data we hold about you is accurate and up to date, we may occasionally get in touch to ask you to update your information.

Where you give us your consent to send marketing information, we will wherever possible let you know how long this consent will last. Unless we have grounds for believing that a longer period is reasonable and have explained this to you, we will understand your consent to last for 36 months. After this time, in order for us to continue to update you, we will need your refreshed consent. You can update or withdraw your consent at any time for individual channels of communication, or for all channels. See section 9 for details on how to do this.

We will generally treat any marketing consent you give us as lasting for 36 months, but will apply the following exceptions (but only where we inform you of this at the time you give consent):

Where you have committed to giving us a regular donation (unless you choose to withdraw your consent). We will treat consent as enduring until you cancel your donation, at which point your consent will expire 36 months after the last donation. This is to enable us to keep you up to date with the impact of your donations, and to offer alternative means of support.
Where you have notified us that you will be leaving a legacy to Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO). This is a lifetime commitment and although we will provide you with regular opportunities to shape and control your communication from Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO) we will treat your consent as ongoing.
Other circumstances in which you may receive marketing information from Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO): ‘Soft Opt In’ refers to the concept that allows us to send marketing communications by email and text message to individuals who have previously purchased similar goods and services, provided they were given the opportunity to opt out at the time of purchase. We will not use the “soft opt in” option if you have opted out of receiving email and/or text messages.
How long we will keep your personal data?
We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity.

For instance, if you request that we stop sending you marketing materials, we will continue to keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request not to be contacted by us.

We will not share your data*
Please be assured that we will not, under any circumstances, share your data with anyone for marketing purposes and you will not receive offers from other companies or organisations as a result of giving your details to us.

We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any 3rd parties.

*We share limited information with Al-Ayn (Iraq) in relation to the orphan sponsorship scheme in order for them to match each sponsor with an orphan. However, we are committed to ensuring that all your data is kept secure regardless of where the data resides and to providing appropriate protection for your information where such data is transferred outside of the EEA.

Third Party Use
Some pages on the website include links to third-party payment websites. These sites are governed by their own privacy statements, and Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO) is not responsible for their operations, including but not limited to their information practices. Users submitting information to or through these third-party websites should review the privacy statements of these sites before providing them with personally identifiable information.

Data Security & Your Rights
All the data held about you is held securely. We ensure that there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details. For example, we keep strict records of who has access to information that we hold to ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and volunteers and can be requested at any time.

If you would like to find out more about how we use your personal data or want to see a copy of information about you that we hold, please contact us.

Your Communication Choices
We will make it easy for you to tell us how you would like to receive marketing communications from us and to share any concerns or complaints you may have.

If at any time you wish to change how we communicate with you, update the information we hold, or raise a concern please do get in touch. There are several ways you can do this:

Send us an email:
Write to us: Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway (Al-Ayn NO), tredje etasje, Østre Aker vei 203, 0975 Oslo Call us: +47 45052002
You also have the right to make a complaint direct to the data protection authorities.
Changes to Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway(Al-Ayn NO)’s Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, so you may wish to check it each time you submit personal information to Al-Ayn For Social Care Norway(Al-Ayn NO). If material changes are made to the Privacy Policy we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on the website.